Aloha Surgery Blog

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Article in Why Weight-Loss Surgery is NOT the “Easy Way Out”

Article in Why Weight-Loss Surgery is NOT the “Easy Way Out”

A fantastic article in Shape was forwarded to me, and I wanted to take a minute to encourage you to check it out: Why Weight-Loss Surgery is Not the “Easy Way Out.” 

Basically, the story covers what so many of us know. But the two points that really stand out for me are:

1) We as a society still do not look at obesity as a medical condition, but rather a character flaw. With the countless research and education campaigns, we are still entrenched in the concept of “willpower.” How else can we explain the people who shamed the author for “taking the easy way out with Bariatric Surgery?” Prejudices to obesity that are socially acceptable will be very hard to change.

2) As the author stated, she gained all her weight back after surgery because she didn’t make the fundamental changes in her life. I have seen many patients travel a similar course. It doesn’t matter who you are, or how amazing an operation you get. EVERYONE has to adopt a balanced lifestyle to see lasting results.

If there is any silver lining with my second point, it’s that moving your life to a healthier place is an incredible brave and empowering action.


Dr. Fowler