ASMBS Supports the Sleeve!
With Medicare reviewing its coverage criteria for the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, ASMBS, has decided to update its Position Statement. The ASMBS is the society that represents bariatric surgeons and is also responsible for setting up the Centers of Excellence (COE) Program. Up to now, ASMBS held the position that the Sleeve looked “promising” with early and intermediate follow up data, and that the procedure should be studied more, before a final recommendation for its use would be made. The new statement to be released considers the sleeve as a viable alternative surgery option to the Band and Bypass, and that the SLEEVE CRITERIA FOR COVERAGE SHOULD BE THE SAME AS FOR THE BAND AND BYPASS. This is a great step in the right direction for increasing options for surgical weight loss patients. All of these procedures have their distinct advantages and disadvantages. This should help us match an operation more closely to a patients’ expectations for improved health and weight loss.