A commentator for CNN, lawyer Holly Hughes, presented her story of improved health through Gastric Bypass. Congratulations on providing an insightful story on how metabolic surgery is an important and effective option for our patients . Another step in overcoming societal ignorance and prejudice towards the treatment of obesity and its related health conditions.
Here are a few excerpts from the CNN article, “Drastically Overweight Lawyer Finds Drastic Solution by Holly Hughes:
“Having gastric bypass was the best decision I ever made. I have lost a total of 160 pounds. I now wear a size 4 instead of a size 24. I am healthier than I have ever been and have prolonged my life by immeasurable years.”
“Two highly visible figures in American politics revealed they had weight loss surgery this week showing no American is immune from the disease of obesity,” said Jaime Ponce, MD, president of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS).
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s revelation that he had weight loss surgery, and now a U.S. Congressman Tom Reed from New York announced that he too had a weight loss surgery. “Multiple indignities and a major health scare prompted Congressman Tom Reed to undergo gastric bypass surgery in February. His new lifestyle has left him 70 pounds lighter and diabetes-free.”
Some exciting news in bariatric surgery came out this April! As you know, bariatric surgery has had a slow acceptance by the medical sub-specialists. With the compelling evidence demonstrating health conditions related to obesity, like diabetes, often going into sustainable remission, medical societies are now advocating the option of bariatric surgery for appropriate candidates.
Many of you are aware of all the news hype last week surrounding New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie. He underwent LapBand surgery last February by Dr Fielding at NYU. He has told reporters that he underwent the surgery after years of failed weight loss. With recently turning age 50, and realizing the need for improved health, he made the personal decision to undergo bariatric surgery.
There are many different sources of protein supplements. Here is a look at the different sources, and which ones are available at Aloha Surgery.