All posts in Recommendations from Dr. Fowler

Parathyroid Hormone

Parathyroid Hormone

You might have noticed that Dr. Fowler now monitors a new yearly lab value, called Parathyroid Hormone or PTH. This hormone is produced by your Parathyroid Glands in your neck. The glands help regulate the Calcium and Phosphorous levels in your blood. When your calcium level gets low, the glands secrete PTH. PTH acts on your bones to release calcium and increase gut absorption to maintain proper blood levels. 


Update on Iron

Update on Iron

Iron deficiency is extremely common. In the preoperative bariatric patient population, the incidence of anemia has been reported to be approximately 21% and Iron deficiency at 20%. These numbers are likely to be higher in the postoperative bariatric patient population. The risk of anemia is increased for female patients, and individuals who have had more rapid and significant weight loss.


Multivitamin Levels After Bariatric Surgery: Calcium

Multivitamin Levels After Bariatric Surgery: Calcium

Why is Calcium important after Bariatric Surgery? Your absorption of Calcium is compromised after a Gastric Bypass or Sleeve Gastrectomy There is no exact percentage of how much one’s uptake is compromised, but there are guidelines as to the amount of extra Calcium we should take to maintain adequate stores. This number has increased over the last couple years, with the current consensus recommending 1500 mg of Calcium per day.
