Duodenal Switch Surgery


The Duodenal Switch procedure that is currently performed today started in the 1980’s. Although this procedure has been available for over 3 decades, it still only comprises approximately 5% of bariatric operations being performed in the US.

This operation is the most effective operation for maximum weight loss and improvement in carbohydrate metabolism (i.e. treat diabetes). It is considered a metabolic and malabsorptive operation. This operation has not experienced widespread adoption in part to its surgical complexity and a higher risk for protein and vitamin deficiency. Close follow up and healthy eating minimize these risks.

Patients need to be on lifetime multivitamin supplements. Your doctor will monitor these vitamin and mineral levels on a regular basis to ensure your maximum health. Weight loss for this procedure is approximately 85% excess weight loss the first year, with most patients maintaining this level for the years to come.

Recent modifications of the duodenal switch include the single-anastomosis duodenal switch, which we perform.