Aloha Surgery Blog

Weight Loss Surgery Resources, News, Tips and more

Review Us on Yelp

Review Us on Yelp


Dr. Steven Fowler with Aloha Surgery has done over 1100 bariatric cases at Castle Medical Center since 2006. He has performed the most cases in the state. In addition, the program has been designated a Center of Excellence, and now MBSAQIP by the American College of Surgeons.  The program submits its outcomes to a national database to ensure we reach safety and performance standards. This transparency in outcomes is a unique component of our program.

Over the last couple years we have had a handful of reviews on Yelp from our post-bariatric patients. We would LOVE to hear more from our bariatric patients! We are offering a Yelp special right now to all of our patients – review us on Yelp and receive a FREE BOTTLE OF VITAMIN OF YOUR CHOICE!

Simply review us on our Aloha Surgery Yelp Page and just mention to Megan next time you call or are in the office that you have left a Yelp review and get your free bottle of vitamins. For more information call Aloha Surgery at (808) 521-1300.

Comments (8)

  1. I am two years out from gastric bypass. I have lost 85 pounds and have kept it off. The weight loss is fantastic and I loved throwing out my fat clothes. I no longer take pills to control my blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides or sugar. I battled Type 2 diabetes for over 10 years and could not control my sugar even with insulin injections every day. Dr. Fowler and his team gave me the opportunity to save my life. I recovered with absolutely no problems and have never regretted any part of the process. I will always be a big woman but now I am a healthier, happier, active big woman.

    • Aloha Surgery (t) - Reply

      Hi Mary,
      Mahalo for sharing your journey with us! We will share your amazing success story on our social media!! Congrats on your happier, healthier life!! –Aloha Surgery team

  2. As an RN, I can truly say my care before during and after bariatric surgery was excellent! I would recommend having bariatric surgery with Dr. Fowler and his team at Castle Medical Center before any other program in Hawaii. Its a process to be mentally and sometimes physically ready for this commitment to having a major surgery, and it took me a year or so to get there. I can only say I wish I had done this sooner. With 120 lbs gone since Sept. 2014, I feel so much better! My joints are better- I can move better and have less fatigue. I don’t have sleep apnea anymore. My labs showed pre-diabetes prior to surgery- but now my A1C is normal. The staff is so knowledgeable, caring and made a big difference in making this possible for me and many others who seriously want to have a positive impact on their health. I hope this helps you decide to get more info., because you are worth it!! (BTW) No one paid me to say any of this. I just want to help someone else with making this decision a bit easier. I was supported the entire way through by Dr. Fowler and the Team at Aloha Surgery.

  3. I had my surgery the day before my 49th birthday, for me it was my 50th birthday present to myself as I wanted to be 150 lbs on my 50th birthday. 1 year later on my 50th birthday I weighed 140 lbs, I had lost 120 lbs and I feel great! I am now 52 and I weight 148 lbs and I have weighed the same for 2 1/2 years now. The team at Aloha Surgery is terrific! I learned so much from the dietician, Mary, and what excercises I needed to do to stay slim and strong from Cindy. Dr. Fowler is and awesome surgeon and I have never had any problems with my or complications following my surgery. I recommend this to everyone who is battling with their weight, I promise you will feel so much better! My sincere thanks to the team at Aloha Surgery and Dr. Fowler!

  4. It’s almost been a year since my surgery and I am so happy that I did it. I had planned on doing the gastric bypass but when I went into surgery it could not be done because I had so much scar tissue from past surgeries so my procedure changed to the sleeve. How reassuring it is that Dr. Fowler had the safety of the patient in mind. I am happy with the amount of weight that I have lost which has helped me control my diabetes, high blood pressure and blood sugars which is basically the reason for my surgery. I no longer need to inject myself and my medications have lessened to my advantage. I feel so much better and have a lot more energy to do things with my daughter (something I had not done for a long time – I always had her go with her brothers). It’s such a great feeling to be able to face family and friends again. I don’t regret having done the surgery and I can’t help but thank Dr. Fowler and his team for their dedication and patience to help people get healthier and feel good about themselves.

  5. I’ll be sixty-two in November and I’m about fifty months post surgery, not to forget holding between 70 – 75 pounds less. I’m 5′ 9″ and 185 lbs, a nice drop from 262 pounds. To be honest, my physical exercise is limited to walking, treadmill and natural. Five days per week I have a half papaya and toast for breakfast, along with my vitamins I get from Dr. Fowler. I continue to “easy does it” with my other meals while continuing to seek out quality foods. I do have a craving for real coca cola and continue to curb my appetite to quench my thirst with soda. While starting to cross the line for diabetes before my gastric bypass, that worry has never returned. The weight loss put off having a knee replacement. Also high blood pressure and cholesterol. I have had lower back ablation treatment on both sides of my lower spine, a far cry better than full back surgery, the direction I was headed with my weight. I’m very grateful how Dr. Fowler supported me with my insurance company, in person not just through letter writing. Even after following my medical insurance company stipulations for six months attempting to progressively turn-a-round my weight problem, they initially denied my procedure. That didn’t make sense to me or Dr. Fowler. I met all the qualifications with my BMI, sleep apnea, gerd, amongst many of the symptoms we all are familiar with. He sat down with the head surgeon from my full coverage employer local medical plan, toe to toe….and after a serious exchange, my procedure was approved. I have since followed up with Dr. Fowler as well as continued purchasing my vitamins from his office. I maintain a full blood workup every six-months with my primary care physician and am experiencing a better quality of life as I gracefully enter my early sixties. Mahalo Aloha Surgery. Regarding following directions to the letter….. initially I didn’t. I continued my use of over the counter nsaids for my back and shoulder problems. That consequently landed me in the hospital on Martin Luther King day, 2013, for seven days with a perforated ulcer in my stomach. That was not a pleasant experience but one that I needed to learn….to follow doctor Fowler’s directions. Last but not least….I cannot be remiss and not mention Mary, an invaluable part of the team with Dr. Fowler.


    Gary Lloyd

  6. Aloha Everyone,

    My story is a little different. The outcome is the same. The excellent support from Dr. Fowler and his team has delivered is amazing! Let me share a brief summary of my weight loss process.

    In 2007, I had decided to do the Lap-Band process. The success rate was great! Only 3% would have a slippage. In 2009, my lap-band slipped! I had to have it removed. Because I had lost the weight, the insurance would not let me replace it with the Gastric Bypass. Instead, I had to gain the weight back before I would qualify for the Gastric. Well within 1 year, the weight was back.

    In 2012, I went through the process again and the support that I received from the team was just as grate as it was back in 2007. I had the surgery in March 2012, it has been 3 years out and I feel GREAT. I have lost 119 lbs with the Gastric bypass. I wish I did the Gastric the first time around. I am grateful for this process. I will continue to be grateful.

    I wish everyone who had a problem would come and get the procedure done with Dr. Fowler & his team! The transition after surgery is not easy, but well worth it. Your determination in helping yourself makes the BIG difference in your recovery! Have a GREAT transition to a life of good health…

  7. Olga Sundermann Larios - Reply

    I don’t know what the records show but I can remember getting on the scale and crying when it marked 392 lbs. I did not what to hit 400 and I asked God to help me find the tools and strength to change. I tried the self diets, cutting back junk food and that would help for a while. What I needed was a group of people that would not only tell me how and what to do, but be there to support me at every turn. That is what I found in Dr Fowler and Castle Medical WLC team. I found this team truly cares about my success and understands the struggles that come with obesity. They have never criticized but were there to help me overcome the pitfalls along the way. Focused on curing obesity, this caring, professional, educated, and well trained was team is my God sent. Yes I had to do the work and this is only a tool not a magic pill/surgery. Latching on to this team is teaching me life changing skills to move forward with Gods purpose for my life.
    I believe God lead me to Castle Medical to release much weight and be a greater servant for His honor and glory. This may sound like a cliche but I couldn’t do the things He had for my life with the weight I was holding. Before I could attend church and it took every bit of energy to get there on Sundays. Now I participate in activities required to maintain the church and enjoy the fellowship of the different functions during the week and special events all year round.
    At home so much has changed! My self esteem has come a long way as I now have the energy to take care of myself. I can clean my own house work with my husband in the yard, go for walks, cook, invite people over, travel, shop and so much more. All without having to worry about how much time will it take, what to wear, how will I look or what will people think of me….. What will I reveal if I bend over, what chair will I sit in, what restaurants can I eat at or stores can I shop in without being embarrassed or will I have to pay for a first class seat to take a trip. I can even participate in a gym and don’t worry about who is looking at me. At 192 lbs and still dropping I have a new life! Thank you, God Bless you always

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